
Cause and/or Solution


The picture is out of focus.

Your camera is not in macro recording mode when


you shoot a subject that is within 50 cm (19 3/4


inches) from the lens.



t Set the macro recording mode (page 61).


The LANDSCAPE mode of the SCENE


SELECTION function is selected.


t Cancel the function.



The focus preset is selected.


t Cancel the function (page 60).


[CONVERSION LENS] is set to [ON].


t Set it to [OFF] (page 81).

The resizing function does You cannot resize moving images, text images, Clip

not work.

Motion and uncompressed images.








Images recorded in TEXT Light is not striking the subject evenly.

mode are blurry.

t Adjust so that the lighting strikes the subject













You cannot record images

The mode dial is set to












in TEXT mode.

t Set the mode dial to


You cannot display a print You cannot display print marks on moving images,


text images and Clip Motion images.

The picture is noisy. Your camera is placed near a TV or other equipment that uses strong magnets.

tMove your camera away from the TV, etc.

The picture is too dark. You are shooting a subject with a light source behind the subject.

tAdjust the exposure (page 61).

The brightness of the LCD screen is too low.

tAdjust the brightness of the LCD screen (page 81).