
If you experience trouble with your camera, first check the following items. Should your camera still not operate properly after you have made these checks, press the reset button located on the bottom. (If you press the reset button, the date and time setting is cleared.) Should your camera still not operate properly, consult your Sony dealer or local authorized Sony service facility. If code displays (C:ss:ss) appear on the LCD screen, the self-diagnosis display function is working (page 96).


Cause and/or Solution

Your camera does not

You are not using an “InfoLITHIUM” battery pack.


t Use an “InfoLITHIUM” battery pack (page 10).


The battery level is low (the E indicator appears


on the LCD screen).


t Charge the battery pack (page 11).


The AC power adaptor is not connected securely.


t Connect it firmly to the DC IN jack of your


camera and a wall outlet (mains) (pages 11, 14).


The built-in microcomputer is not working




t Disconnect and then reconnect all power


sources after one minute. Then turn the power


on by sliding the POWER switch and check that


the camera works properly. Press the reset


button located on the bottom using a sharp-


pointed object.

Your camera cannot

You cannot record images while charging the flash.

record images.

The mode dial is set to

or SET UP.

tSet it to , S, A, M, SCN or (pages 19, 26).

No “Memory Stick” has been inserted into your camera.

tInsert a “Memory Stick” (page 17).

The write-protect tab on the “Memory Stick” is set to LOCK.

tSet it to the recording position.

The LCD screen does not The power was turned off with the LCD screen set

light when the power is

to OFF the last time the camera was used.

turned on.

t The camera retains the settings from the last


time it was used. If you turn the power off with


the LCD screen set to OFF, the LCD is still set


to OFF the next time you turn the power on.

information Additional