Creating a connection
5.Make sure the correct APN (Access Point Name) is selected for GPRS, or the correct telephone number is entered for CSD/HSCSD.
6.Click Advanced to set specific parameters if necessary, see GPRS subscription or CSD/HSCSD subscription for more details. You should always specify your preferred network connection speed and method of connection for CSD/HSCSD
7.If you need a User ID and Password to log on to your service provider enter them in to the specific fields. If you don’t, leave the fields blank. Click Next.
8.Click Finish to create the connection.
GPRS subscription
If your network operator isn’t listed you will need to contact them and get the following parameters. You can specify these parameters by clicking the Advanced...
button in the Connections Wizards APN screen:
•APN address for GPRS connection.
•DNS (Domain Name Server) address, if required (in most networks this is server assigned).
•User ID and password, if required (these are often left blank).
•Quality of service parameters, if required (in most networks you do not need to change these).
The maximum supported speed for GPRS is defined by your Operator.
CSD/HSCSD subscription
If your network operator isn’t listed you will need to contact them and get the following parameters. You can specify these parameters by clicking the Advanced...
button in the Connections Wizards Telephone Number screen:
•Username and password, if required.
•IP and DNS numbers (in most networks these are assigned automatically).
•Prefered connection speed for HSCSD. If in doubt, start at 9600 and work upwards.
•Connection method; Analogue, ISDN V110, or ISDN V120 (if in doubt start with Analogue).