
Ask to save

To delete a contact

When you end a call or receive a message, the

} Contacts and scroll to the contact you want

phone can prompt you to add a phone number

to delete, press


or email address to your contacts.

To delete all contacts

To activate ask to save

1 } Contacts } Options } Advanced

} Contacts } Options } Advanced } Ask to save

} Delete all contacts.

} On.

2 } Yes and enter the phone lock code } OK.

Updating contacts

The default phone lock code is 0000. Names

and numbers that are saved on the SIM card

You can easily update and edit any information

are not deleted.


in your contacts.

Default items for phone contacts

To edit a phone contact

A default item is displayed in the first position for

1 } Contacts and select a contact } More

a phone contact, and is therefore quicker to access.

} Edit contact.

You can set the default item – a phone number, email

2 Use , , and to scroll to the relevant

address or a Web address – to be displayed first for

tab and edit the information you want to edit

each contact. If you do not set your own default item,

} Save.

the mobile phone number is the default item.

To edit a SIM contact

To set the default item for a contact

1 If SIM contacts are set as default } Contacts

1 } Contacts and scroll to a contact } More

and select the name and number you want

} Default number.

to edit. If phone contacts are set as default

2 Select the phone number, email address or

} Contacts } Options } SIM contacts. Select

Web address that you want as default item.

the name and number you want to edit.



2 } More } Edit and edit the name and number.


This is the Internet version of the user's guide. © Print only for private use.