Tile TV NR _aung is sho_ n as Un_atec[ m the menu
About the extenders of U.S. TV ratings
TV Y? TV PG "i\' 14 anti "IV MA [atmgs
hax e aclchtlonal content _aungs called
extenc[e_s' to de[me addltlo[lal \ lewl[lg hmlts Tile extendeis aie defined as follows
D (sexually suggestive Dialog). PIog[ams
coiltainlngsuggestix e dialog o[ sexual i[lllL]e[lc[o
FV (Fantasy Violence) PIog_ams comammg
ca[ {oon | violence | OCCLH [ l[]g 11] "l\' Y7 |
pI og_ ares orl b
L (coarse Language) Pioglams contaumlg coai se language
S (Sexual sltuauons) PIog_ams contauung sexual cot, tent
V (Violence) PIogI ares containing \ lolence
Theie [llay be sonle p[ofa[llty \ io[e[lce oi
bi lef mKht 3 in these p_ ogi ares
Ratings in Canada
Sony's predetermined ratings
"ihese a[e o[lglnal I atmgs that Son_,
p[ ec[ete[ ii]l[]ed accol C[l[lg to tile vie\vet's age
Each I atlng allo_ s _,ou to x le_ the ce[ tam plogIams as folloxxs
See the ught column and page 46 fol a desc_lptlon of each i atlng
Chdd Suitable fol chlld[enLmcIei theageof 7
\hewable Canadian English Language _aungs C and G
\hewable Canadian [_ench Language
[aungs G
\hewable U S "i\' Iaungs "i\' Y "i\' G and
Youth. Suitable foI chllcI[en aged 8 and oldel
\hewable Canadian Enghsh Language _aungs C G C8+ and PG
\hewable Canadian [_ench Language
[atlngs O aild 8 al]gt
\hewable U S "IX' iatmgs "IX' Y "IX' Y7 TV G "IX' PG and "IX' NR
YoungAdult Statable fo_ chllchenagec[ 14 and olcle_
\hex_ able Canachan Enghsh Language _aungs C G C8* PGand14*
\hex_ able Canachan [ _ench Language
[atlilgs G 8 anst 13 a[ls±
\hex_able US TV eaungs TV Y TV Y7 TV G TV PG "IX' 14 and TV NR
Canadian English Language ratings
"ihe Canachan Enghsh Language Ratings aie lot "i\' p[ogiams m English b[oadcast in
C (P[ogrammmg intended for ctuldten under age 8). "ihe[e will be no ieahstlc
sceiles | of | \ lolellce | oI I]O of['e[lsl\ | e language |
[ludlt_ | OI | sexualcontellt | Ca[efulattelltlOrl | IS |
paid to themes xqach coLdd th[eaten
chflch en s sense of SeCLUit,' anc[ well being
G (General Audience). \Vfll comam vely little ,. iolec, ce either ph 3 slcal or ', el hal or
emotional "ihe[e ma 3 b 3 some moffenslve slang no plofamt 3 ar, c[ r,o nudlt 3