Changing the “Setup” setting (continued)

To assign your favorite label

1Follow steps 1 to 3 on the page 55 and select “Edit” in step 4, then press .

2Move up or down to scroll through the label characters (A to Z, 0 to 9, etc.), then press to confirm the highlighted character.

V i deo Labe l





Vi deo

I npu t : V i de

o 1





Labe l :


V i deo




























Ed i t

[ V


_ _ _ ]









Se l e c t :

Con f i rm:

End :

To insert a blank, leave “_” and move right.

To change the confirmed character, move left to highlight it, then move up or down to select the correct character.

3 Repeat step 2 to add up to 5 characters to the label.

56Adjusting Your Setup (MENU)