•Dangerously high voltages are present inside the TV.•TV operating voltage: 110 – 240 V AC.•Do not plug in the power cord until you have completed making all other connections; otherwise a minimum leakage current might flow through the antenna and other terminals to ground.
•To avoid battery leakage and damage to the remote, remove the batteries from the remote if you are not going to use it for several days. If any liquid leaks from the batteries and touches your skin, immediately wash it away with water.
For your own safety, do not touch | For children’s safety, do not leave | To prevent fire or shock hazard, do |
any part of the TV, the power cord | children alone with the TV. Do not | not expose the TV to rain or |
and the antenna cable during | allow children to climb onto it. | moisture. |
lightning storms. |
Do not place any objects on the TV. | Do not operate the TV if any liquid | Install the TV on a stable TV stand |
The apparatus shall not be | or solid object falls into it. Have it | and floor which can support the |
exposed to dripping or splashing | checked immediately by qualified | TV set weight. Ensure that the TV |
and that no objects filled with | personnel only. | stand surface is flat and its area is |
liquids, such as vases, shall be |
| larger than the bottom area of the |
placed on the apparatus. |
| TV. |
Do not block the ventilation | Your TV is recommended for | Do not plug in too many |
openings of the TV. Do not install | home use only. Do not use the TV | appliances to the same power |
the TV in a confined space, such | in any vehicle or where it may be | socket. Do not damage the power |
as a bookcase or | subject to excessive dust, heat, | cord. |
| moisture or vibrations. |
Do not open the cabinet and the | Clean the TV with a dry and soft | Pull the power cord out by the |
rear cover of the TV as high | cloth. Do not use benzine, thinner, | plug. Do not pull the power cord |
voltages and other hazards are | or any other chemicals to clean the | itself. Even if your TV is turned |
present inside the TV. Refer | TV. Do not attach anything (e.g., | off, it is still connected to the AC |
servicing and disposal of the TV | adhesive tape, cellophane tape, | power source (mains) as long as |
to qualified personnel. | glue) on the painted cabinet of the | the power cord is plugged in. |
| TV. Do not scratch the picture | Unplug the TV before moving it |
| tube. | or if you are not going to use it for |
| several days. |