Health Concerns
Warning: Eye Fatigue/Eye Damage/Loss of Visual Functions.

Misuse or overuse of this product may result in eye fatigue, eye damage, or loss of visual functions. Stop using if you feel tired or experience headaches or discomfort.

Warning: No Use by Children Age 15 or Younger.

This product is designed for adult use.

The eyes of children are still developing and may be adversely affected by use of this product, and it may cause eye fatigue, eye damage, or loss of visual functions.

In addition, this product may not be adjusted to fit a child’s head.

Caution: Sickness/Headache/Nausea.

If during use you experience any of the following symptoms, stop using this product immediately and rest. These symptoms may indicate that you are misusing or overusing the product (see “Instructions for Safe Fit,” page 7) or that you should not use the product for health reasons. If the following symptoms persist after rest, consult your doctor.

-sore eyes, eye fatigue, or double vision


-inability to focus on the screen

-nausea or motion sickness

-stiff or sore shoulders or neck

After three hours of continuous use the product automatically turns off to prevent eye fatigue or eye damage. For instructions on these functions, see page 22.

Caution: Motion Sickness from Viewing Programs.

Some viewers may experience motion sickness, headache, or nausea from viewing movies or video programs, especially those with intense action and movement. If you feel any of these symptoms, stop using the product immediately. To avoid personal injury or injury to others, do not drive a car or motorcycle, nor do anything that requires concentration until the symptoms disappear.

