
To activate voice dialling and

To turn the caller name on or off

record names

} Settings } the General tab } Voice control

1 } Settings } the General tab } Voice control

} Play caller name.

}Voice dialling } Activate } Yes } New voice

and select a contact.

Voice dialling

2 If the contact has more than one number,

You can voice dial by saying a pre-recorded voice

use and to view the numbers. Select the

command. Start voice dialling from standby

phone number to which you want to add the

using the phone, a portable handsfree, a Bluetooth

voice command. Now you are going to record a

headset or by saying your magic word.

voice command such as “John mobile” for the


phone number you selected.

To make a call from the phone

3 Instructions appear. Wait for the tone and

1 From standby, press and hold one of the

say the command that you want to record.

volume buttons.

The voice command is played back to you.

2 Wait for the tone and say the name you

4 If the recording sounds ok } Yes. If not } No

recorded earlier, for example “John mobile”.

and repeat step 3.

The name is played back to you and the call

5 To record another voice command for a

is connected.

contact } New voice } Add again and repeat

To make a call with a handsfree

steps 2-4 above.

Caller name

From standby, press the handsfree button, or the

Bluetooth headset button.

You can choose whether you want to hear the


recorded contact name when you receive a call


from that contact.




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