
Area information


Area information is a type of text message that is

Camera, video recorder, pictures, PhotoDJ™.

sent to all subscribers within a certain network


area. When you receive an area information

Camera and video recorder

message, the message automatically appears on

the screen. Press Save to save the message in your

Your phone has a digital camera which also works

inbox, or Discard to delete the message.

as a digital video recorder. You can take pictures,

Please consult your service provider for more

record video clips, save and view them and send

them as email attachments or in picture messages

information about area information.

via picture messaging.


To turn area information on or off

Before you start

} Messages } Settings } Area info } Reception.

The receiving phone needs to support data

Cell information

transmission and picture messaging in order to

receive and show the picture or video clip.

The cell information channel is used by some

• Before you send a picture or video clip using

network operators to send messages about a certain

picture messaging make sure that you have set

network area to their subscribers within that area.

the address of your message server for picture


To turn on cell information

messaging, % 39 Picture messages (MMS) and

} Messages } Settings } Area info

that Internet settings are entered in your phone,

} Cell information.

% 61 Settings.


• Before you send a picture or video clip using


email make sure that you have entered settings


for a data account and for an email account in


your phone, % 42 Email.



This is the Internet version of the user's guide. © Print only for private use.