
With Converter you can convert different values of the following categories; Distances, Volumes, Weights, Temperatures, Speeds, Areas and Currencies.

You can add further currencies to the list of currencies to convert and you can enter the exchange rate of different currencies.

Converting units of measurement

If you for example want to convert distances from kilometers to nautical miles, you select Tools > Converter > Distances, and then the Metric tab where you enter the value. Select Convert and then the Nautical tab to see the result.

Setting converter decimals

You can set the number of decimals for all categories, select Decimals in the Converter menu.

Converting currencies

Select Tools > Converter > Currencies and select the convert from and convert to currencies from the currency list. Enter the amount of the currency you want to convert and select Convert.

Entering exchange rates

The default exchange rates in Converter are set to 0. You have to enter the current rates manually.

Select Tools > Converter > Currencies > Currencies >

Exchange rate to enter the current exchange rate for a currency for example Japanese yen in US dollar.

Adding currencies

When the phone is delivered Converter contains a few commonly used currencies. Select Tools > Converter > Currencies > Currencies > Add currencies to add further currencies and their exchange rates to the currency list.


Calculator and Converter


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