￿￿Press Ñ or Ô until the Phone Group that you want to select is highlighted.

￿￿Press <(6 to select the Phone Group to which you want to assign group options.

￿￿Press Ñ or Ô until Members is highlighted.

￿￿Press <(6 to select Members.

￿￿￿Press Ñ or Ô to scroll through your list of phone- book entries. Select a new member by highlighting the desired member and pressing the * or # key. The selected entry will be indicated by a filled checkbox ( ).

￿￿￿Press <(6 to save your changes.

￿￿￿Press 12 to return to the previous screen.

￿￿￿Press &/5 to return to the Standby screen.



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Sony Ericsson T18LX manual 8VLQJWKH3KRQHERRN