Developers guidelines | Signing applications
12 October 2006
blanket or one-shot permissions at install time. Only standard (generic) testing is required for an appli-
cation to be Symbian Signed.
Extended capabilities
Highly trusted applications may be granted access to this set. For an application utilizing one or more
capabilities in this set to be Symbian Signed, it has to go comply to extended testing criteria. The
developer of the application must also explicitly declare which APIs of the capability are used, and why
they are needed.
Phone manufacturer approved capabilities
The highest level of trust is required for applications that may have an impact on the functionality of the
device. The only way for an application to have access to these capabilities is through a “channeled”
signing procedure which involves approval by Sony Ericsson.
Access rights to capabilities are cumulative, for example, an application signed with the basic set is also
granted access to all the unrestricted APIs.
An application signed for a particular set is not granted access to all capabilites of the set. The installer
gives permissions only to those capabilities that the application actually requires.
Basic Capabilties
• LocalServices
• UserEnviornment
• NetworkServices
• Location
• ReadUserData
• WriteUserData
Unsigned Applications(user grantable blanket or one shot permission)Optional signed to avoid blanket or one shot prompts Channel Certification(Signed Symbian + manufacturer independant tests)
Manufactuer Capabilties
• NetworkControl
• MultimediaDD
• AllFiles
• CommDD
• DiskAdmin
Symbian Signed(Requires generic test criteria adherence)
Extended Capabilties
• ReadDeviceData
• WriteDeviceData
• SWEvent
• ProtSrv
• Power Mgmt
• SurroundingsDD
• TrustedUIDeclarative