Customizing Your VAIO Computer
❑Do not encrypt the following archive, backup, or token files. There will be no way to restore them if you carelessly encrypt them.
Sony assumes no liabilities for any troubles and damages arising out of your careless encryption of the following files and folders including them.
❑Automatic backup file
Default file name: SPSystemBackup.xml
Default path: None (Clicking Browse displays the <userfolder>\Documents\Security Platform window.)
❑Storage folder for automatic backup data Default folder name: SPSystemBackup
The folder is created as the subfolder for the SPSystemBackup.xml file.
❑Token file for restoring the TPM configuration Default file name: SPEmRecToken.xml
Default path: Removable media (FD, USB memory, etc.)
❑Key and certificate backup file
Default file name: SpBackupArchive.xml
Default path: None (Clicking Browse displays the <userfolder>\Documents\Security Platform window.)
❑PSD backup file
Default file name: SpPSDBackup.fsb
Default path: None (Clicking Browse displays the <userfolder>\Documents\Security Platform window.)