Delete picture messages

Picture messages are saved in the phone memory. When phone memory is full, you must delete messages to be able to receive new messages.

Select a message and press to delete.

Templates for picture messages Add a new template or use a predefined template.

To add a template

1} Messaging } Templates } New Template } Picture msg.

2To add new items (pictures, sounds, and so on), use the navigation keys to scroll to the options.

3} Save, enter a title } OK to save the template.

To use a template

1} Messaging } Templates and select a template from the list } Use to use the template as it is or } More } Edit Template to edit the template, } Save, enter a title } OK to save the changes.

2} Continue and select a recipient to send the message to or select a template from the list } Use

} Continue if the template is edited.

3Select from Text, Picture Msg.

Voice messages

Send and receive a sound recording as a voice message.

The sender and receiver must have a subscription supporting picture messaging.

To record and send a voice message

1} Messaging } Write New } Voice Message.

2Record your message. } Stop to end.

3} Send to send the message.

4} Enter Email Addr for an email recipient or } Enter Phone No. for a recipient phone number or } Contacts Lookup for a number or group in Contacts or select from last used recipients } Send.

Receiving voice messages

When you receive an automatically downloaded voice message, the voice message appears in the activity menu if New Events is set to Activity Menu. } Play to listen to the message.

If New Events is set to Popup, you are asked if you want to listen to the voice message. } Yes to play the message or } No if you want to play the message later. When you have listened to the voice message } More

Messaging 43

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