If you wish to use the MIDI interface on the Dakota with the 328, ensure that the MIDI mode is enabled on the Dakota Control Panel. With the System page still open, in the ‘MIDI Mode’ section, select ‘2x2’:
MIDI information can now be recorded and played back via the Dakota. Connecting the 328 to the PC via the Dakota MIDI interface has several benefits:
•MIDI automation data from the 328 can be recorded into a sequencer, which can then be replayed at any time to allow full dynamic automation of the 328.
•MIDI (System Exclusive) data dumps from the 328 to be saved onto the PC, which can be restored into the 328 at any time. This enables the PC to be used as a MIDI librarian where all the data stored in the 328 (snapshots, presets etc.) can be backed up to a small system exclusive file on the PC.
•328 software v1.1 and above users only: The MIDI Controller bank on the 328 (‘hidden’ fader bank) can be used to remotely automate Windows software, e.g. Propellerhead’s Rebirth 338, Native Instrument’s Reaktor, Bitheadz
Dakota Setup Guide