Firstly, the Dakota clock source must be set to slave its internal clock to the incoming S/PDIF wordclock (outputted from the 328). Set ‘Clock Source’ to Dig In: ‘S/PDIF’:
NOTE | Alternatively, the Dakota will also successfully clock to either ADAT | |
output of the 328. The Dakota could also be set as wordclock master, | ||
| ||
| and the 328 can slave to the Dakota via the S/PDIF connection. | |
| However, the recommended configuration is with the 328 as wordclock | |
| master, with the Dakota slaving via S/PDIF, as outlined in this Setup | |
| Guide. | |
Now the samplerate must be set. In the ‘Sample Rate’ section, select the samplerate you wish to work at. This should match the samplerate of the internal clock on the 328, which was configured in section 2 of this Setup Guide:
Spirit Digital 328 v2