SCSI Utilities
SY-D6IBA2 Quick Start Guide
Do not edit your registry unless it is absolutely necessary. If there is an error in your registry, your computer may become nonfunctional.
Using Windows NT SCSI Parameters
Follow the instructions below to enter the registry values that affect how the Windows NT SCSI manager interprets the generic configuration information of SCSI device drivers. All SCSI host adapters installed in your system are affected by the values you enter here. A list of valid values follows.
Note: The following value keys are
∗Maximum SGList
To enter Windows NT parameters, follow these steps:
1Select [Run] from the File menu (Windows NT 3.5x), or Run from the [Start] button (Windows NT 4.0).
2Type regedt32 and press [Enter].
3Open the registry list to the following location:
\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\aic78xx\Parameters\Device or \HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\aic78u2\Parameters\Device
If the \Parameters\Device keys already exit, skip to step 8 below to begin entering values. If the keys do not yet exist, you will need to create them by continuing with step 4.