Parts List
The following SpectrumPLUStm accessories and parts are available
from TeleMatrix.
Part List
Description Number Price*
Handset Unit (light ash) 90027086-ASH $24.00
Handset Unit (black) 900220801-BLK $24.00
Passthrough Power Supply Adapter (light ash) 90036006-ASH $15.00
Passthrough Power Supply Adapter (black) 900360061-BLK $15.00
Direct Connect Pwr Supply Adapter (light ash) 90036007-ASH $12.00
Direct Connect Pwr Supply Adapter (black) 900360071-BLK $12.00
15 foot Modular Line Cord (light ash) 90017023-ASH $8.00
15 foot Modular Line Cord (black) 900170231-BLK $8.00
6 inch Modular Line Cord (light ash) 90017019-ASH $3.00
6 inch Modular Line Cord (black) 900170191-BLK $3.00
10 foot Coil Cord (light ash) 90017040-ASH $6.50
10 foot Coil Cord (light ash) 90017041-ASH $6.50
Preprinted Opaque Keycaps (Kit) STD $6.50
Custom Preprinted Opaque Keycaps CSTM Call for quote
Keycap Blank Index Card Sheet BLNK $1.50
Headset Call for quote
*Pricing in US$ Currency. Freight is Prepay and Additional. Pricing is subject to
change without notice.
To Place An Order
1. Contact TeleMatrix Customer Service department, Monday through Friday,
8:30a.m. - 4:30p.m. MST.
Toll Free: 1-800-462-9446
Direct: 719-638-8821
Fax: 719-638-8815
2. Or visit our web site for ordering information and local distributors.