The final sou nd from you r P.A. system can only ever be as good as the qu ality of the sou rce signal. Ju st as you need to becom e fam iliar w ith the control fu nctions of you r m ixer, so you m u st recognise the im p ortance of correct choice of inp u ts, m icrop hone p lacem ent and inp u t channel settings. H ow ever, no am ou nt of carefu l setting u p can take accou nt of the sp ontaneity and u np red ictability of live p erform ance and the m ixer m u st be set u p to p rovid e ‘sp are’ control range to com p ensate for changing m icrop hone p osition and the absorp tion effect of a large au d ience (d ifferent acou stic characteristics from sou nd check to show ).
The front panel drawing inside the rear cover shows typical initial control positions which may be found a useful guide to setting up the mixer for the first time.
Initial Set Up | The d iagram on p age 5 d em onstrated how the m atching of | |
| inp u t gain to the signal sou rce w as cru cial to avoid d istortion | |
| at | one extrem e and excessive noise at the other. Set u p |
| ind ivid u al inp u t channel as follow s: | |
| ∙ | Connect the inp u t requ ired (m icrop hone, keyboard etc.) |
| N ote: Phantom p ow ered m ics shou ld be connected before |
| the +48V is sw itched on. |
| ∙ | Set Master fad ers at 0, inp u t fad ers at 0, and set p ow er |
| am p lifier levels to abou t 70%. |
| ∙ | Provid e a typ ical p erform ance level signal and p ress the |
| PFL bu tton on the p articu lar channel, m onitoring the level |
| on the |
| ∙ | Ad ju st the inp u t gain u ntil the m eter is ju st reaching the |
| am ber section (0d B) at a typ ical m axim u m sou rce level. |
| This allow s su fficient head room to accom m od ate p eaks |
| and establishes the m axim u m level for norm al op eration |
| (bu t see note below ). |
| ∙ | Rep eat this p roced u re on other channels as requ ired . As |
| m ore channels are ad d ed to the m ix, the m eters m ay m ove |
| into the red section . Ad ju st the overall level u sing the |
| Master Fad ers if necessary. |
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