Each inp u t channel and the three m ain ou tp u ts have an Insert
‘A’ gau ge | jack socket, w hich | is | a | break | p oint in the signal |
p ath . It | allow s the signal | to | be | taken | ou t of the m ixer, |
throu gh an external p iece of equ ip m ent and then back into the m ixer d irectly after its original exit p oint. The Insert p oint is norm ally byp assed by the ‘A’ gau ge jack socket contacts, and
is only | brou ght into | op eration | w hen | a p lu g is | inserted . |
Typ ical | u ses w ou ld | inclu d e Effects | Processors, | Lim iters, | |
ad d itional Equ alisers | or Delay | u nits. | In ad d ition, each |
channel has a D irect ou tp u t w hich m ay also be u sed to feed external equ ip m ent.
The term s PRE and POST are often u sed in the context of Inserts, Equ alisers and Au xiliary Send s, and d escribe w hether
that facility is p laced | before (Pre) | or after | (Post) | another |
p articu lar section . This | is exp lained | fu rther | in the | d etailed |
d escrip tion of facilities. |
Am ixer is often ju d ged , am ongst other factors, by the am ou nt of Headroom available. This is a m easu re of the reserve
available to cop e | w ith su d d en | p eaks in | the inp u t | signal, |
w ithou t d istortion | cau sed by | Clipping, | w hen the | signal |
becom es so high that it w ou ld exceed the p ow er su p p ly rail voltages and is as a resu lt lim ited . This com m only occu rs w here gain settings are incorrectly set or w here sou rces are im p rop erly m atched to the m ixer inp u t. If the sou rce signal is too high, clip p ing and d istortion resu lts. If the signal is too low it becom es m asked by the backgrou nd noise w hich is p resent to som e d egree in all m ixers. The d iagram below illu strates this p oint.
If the signal level is too high, clipping distortion may occur.
If the signal level is too low it may be masked by the noise.
Pa ge 5