How to Calculate Your Maximum Heart Rate
•Deduct your age from 220 (220 - your age = your maximum heart rate)
•Example of Relative Heart Rate
-Tom is 30 years old
-His heart rate measured at 132
-Maximum heart rate is 220 - 30 = 190 bpm
-132/190 = 70% Relative Heart Rate
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Helpful Hints in Measuring Heart Rate
If you are having difficulty measuring your heart rate, you may want to try the following steps. Try each of these in order until you successfully measure your heart rate:
1.Make sure the Sportline Solo 900 Heart Rate Watch is snugly strapped to your wrist. A loose fit makes it more difficult to properly measure your heart rate.
2.When pressing on the sensor, make sure that you are using the soft, flat pads of your finger, not the tip of your finger.
3.Press gently with enough pressure to activate the heart rate measure mode. Muscle ‘noise’ from pressing too hard can make it difficult to measure your heart rate.
4.Make sure that the metal back of the Heart Rate Watch is laying flat on your skin.
5.Make sure your wrist and finger are clean and free from dirt, oils, or lotions.