2 Executing commands via the button-bar
The desktop environment consists of a
Kopens a menu similar to the start button in Windows. From the menu you can start various applications. The applications are grouped in categories, for instance, to
start the editor Emacs, you choose the category “ Anvendelser”.
3windows gives you a menu with the currently running applications and your six vir-
tual desktops. A virtuel desktop is a screen where you can have windows. The phys- ical screen shows one virtual desktop at the time. You can for instance start Emacs
in the desktop Kilde (“kildek ode”) and Netscape in the desktop Net (“netværk”). You can then switch between the desktops Kilde and Net, and at any time you will either see Emacs or Netscape. Having more than one desktop is new to most Windows users and some people find them annoying, that is, only uses one desktop containg all windows – try it out and do what is best for you. The virtual desktop
Dok is an abbreviation for “dokumentation” and Test for “afprø vning”.
Folder starts the application KFM Handbook, where you can minipulate folders and files
– similar to the file manager in Windows.
Screen and circuit board opens the KDE Kontrolcenter, where you can set various sys- tem parameters.
Book! opens KDE hjælp. You can find information on how to use the KDE desktop envi- ronment and information on most
Cross performs log out. Pressing the left mouse key creates the Exit dialog box where you click on Log af.
Padlock is used for locking the screen. DO NOT USE IT – IT DOES NOT WORK AND WILL LOCK THE SCREEN FOREVER.
Net, Dok, Kilde, Test, Div 1, Div 2 are used to shift the physical screen between the six virtual desktops.
Screen and shell creates a console window running a shell. The window can be used to type any UNIX command – similar to the DOS shell (window) in Windows.
Gnua starts the editor program Emacs in a new window. Emacs can be used for editing programs, and both Java and SML compilers can be invoked from inside Emacs.
Nstarts Netscape in a new window. Netscape is used to find and display information stored on the World Wide Web.
Book and ? opens a menu with various links to ITU documentation including printer status.
a A Gnu is a large African antelope, see http://www.geocities.com/RainForest/Canopy/ 9882/animalofthemonth.html.