Erasing Phone Content
You can quickly and easily erase all the content that you have created in your phone.
1.Select >Settings>Security, and then enter your lock code. (The Security menu is displayed.)
2.Select Erase/Reset, and then select an option from the following and press .
■ErasePh.Book to erase all of your Contacts entries.
■EraseMyContent to erase all items you have downloaded to your phone.
■ErasePictures to erase all pictures saved in the phone.
■EraseVoiceData to erase all voice memos saved in the phone.
■EraseVoiceTag to erase all voice tags you have recorded.
■EraseMessages to erase all messages (including locked ones) in the Inbox, Sent Mail, Pending, and Drafts folders; all Recent Lists; and all
3.If you are certain you would like to erase, select OK (left softkey), and then select Yes.
78 Section 2C: Setting Your Phone’s Security