OUTPUT can be set to three amplitudes, 1 V, 100 mV, and 10 mV (rms) using the amplitude switch. The output impedance is 600Ω . The AMP CAL screw adjusts the amplitude.
The oscillator frequency is controlled by the VCO INPUT voltage. A voltage from 0V to 10V will adjust the frequency according to the VCO RANGE selected. Three ranges are available, 1 Hz/V, 100 Hz/V, and 10 KHz/V. The input impedance is 10 kΩ . The FREQUENCY CAL screw adjusts the frequency.
There are four ways to set the frequency:
1)Connect X5 or X6 (D/A outputs) to the VCO
INPUT. The frequency is now controllable via the computer interfaces by programming X5 or X6.
2)If the VCO INPUT is left open, then the oscillator will run at the top of its range (i.e. 10 Hz, 1 KHz, or 100 KHz).
3)A 10 KΩ potentiometer may be connected from the VCO INPUT to ground. This pot will then set
the frequency.
4)Connect the VCO INPUT to an external voltage source which can provide 0 to 10V.
In all four cases, if the REF OUTPUT is connected to the REFERENCE INPUT on the front panel, the frequency may be read on the front panel REFERENCE DIGITAL DISPLAY or via the computer interfaces.