n Status

0Local: all front panel keys are operative

1Remote: front panel keys are not operative. The display up key returns the status to local.

2Lock-out: front panel keys are not operative. No key returns the status to local. Another I command is needed to return to local.

When using the GPIB interface, the REN, LLO, and GTL commands are not implemented. The I command is used by both interfaces to set the remote-local status.

J {n1,n2,n3,n4}

The J command sets the RS232 end-of-recordcharacters sent by the SR510 to those specified by the ASCII codes n1-n4. If no argument is included, the end-of-record sequence returns to the default (a carriage return), otherwise, up to four characters may be specified. The end-of- record required by the SR510 when receiving commands is not affected.

K n

The K command simulates a front panel key press. The effect is exactly the same as pressing the selected key once. The parameter n is required.

n Key

1Post Time Constant Up

2Post Time Constant Down

3Pre Time Constant Up

4Pre Time Constant Down

5Offset Up

6Offset Down

7Zero Phase (Simultaneous 90¡ Up and Down)

8Line Notch Filter

9Bandpass Filter

10Line X 2 Notch Filter

11Relative (Auto Offset)

12Offset (On/Off)


14Local (Display Up when REMOTE)

15Reference Trigger Mode

16Reference Mode (f/2f)

17Degrees Up

18Degrees Down

19Quad Up

20Quad Down

21Select Display (f/phase)

22Sensitivity Up

23Sensitivity Down

24Dyn Res Up

25Dyn Res Down

26Display Up

27Display Down

L m {,n}

The L command sets and reads the status of the line notch filters. If m is "1", then the 1X line notch is selected, if m is "2", the 2X line notch is selected. The parameter m is required. If n is "1", the L command sets the selected filter in. If n is "0", the selected filter is taken out. If n is absent, the status of the selected filter is returned.

M {n}

If n is "1", the M command sets the reference mode to 2f. If n is "0", the reference mode is set to f. If n is absent, the reference mode is returned.

N {m}

If m is "1", the N command sets the ENBW to 10 Hz. If m is "0", the ENBW is set to 1 Hz. If m is absent, the ENBW setting is returned.

O {n} {,v}

If n is "1", the O command turns the offset on. If n is "0", the offset is turned off. If n is absent, the offset status (on or off) is returned. (The value of the offset is read using the S and Q commands.) If n is included, then v may also be sent. v is the offset value up to plus or minus full scale in units of volts. For example, to offset half of full scale on the 100 V sensitivity, v should be "50.0E-6" or an equivalent value. However, if the sensitivity is then changed to 200 V, the offset is now half of the new full scale or 100 V. When the sensitivity is changed, the offset is retained as a constant fraction of full scale rather than as a voltage referred to the input. The expand function will, on the other hand, preserve the value of the offset as an input referred voltage. Once a value of v is sent, the offset may be turned off and on without losing the offset value by using the O command without the v parameter. Note that if the auto offset is on, an "O 1" command will turn the auto offset off and turn the manual offset on without changing the actual offset value.

P {v}

If v is absent, the P command returns the phase setting from -180 to +180 degrees. When v is included, the phase is set to the value of v up to ±999 degrees.