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ASCII (as’ kee) - a standardized and commonly accepted numerical code
that represents letters, numbers, and symbols, as well as command
sets. ASCII stands for American Standard Code for Znformation
Baud- a measure of the speed at which information is transmitted. The baud
rate, which is set for serial transmissions, is approximately the
number of characters transmitted per second multiplied by 10.
Byte - a series of 8 bits that represents one character.
Centronics interface - a standard wiring configuration for parallel data
transmission. Centronics is often used as a synonym for the parallel
standard developed by Centronics Inc.
Character Set - the complete set of characters available in a font.
Data Bits - the number of bits in a transmitted byte that actually contains
EEPROM - Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory. It
has an internal switch to permit a user to erase the contents and write
new contents into it by means of electrical signals.
EP-L Cartridge - A disposable type of process cartridge which contains
the photosensitive drum and toner.
Emulation - behaving like something else. The Star LaserPrinter 4111 can
emulate, or behave like the HP LaserJet III laser printer.
Expansion RAM board - An available option that is easily attached to the
LaserPrinter 4111 to expand its RAM to a maximum of 5 MB. Three
kinds of memory expansion board are available: a 1 MB RAM board,
a 2MB RAM board and a 4MB RAM board.