The functions of the LAYOUT are:
l Orientation - portrait or landscape.
l Margin settings - left. right and top in relation to the available page area.
and page (text) length in number of lines.
l VMI - Vertical Motion Index. VMI refers to the smallest increment that
can be made in the vertical or y axis. Line spacing is a multiple of VMI.
l End of line - whether auto wrap function is on or off.
l Auto line feed - whether there is an automatic carriage return (CR) at a
paragraph break, an automatic line feed (LF) at the end of each line, and
a form feed (FF) after each page.
The PAPER FEED GROUP includes:
l Feeder - whether the paper will be fed from the cassette or manually.
. MP tray size - the size of paper to be used by the multi-purpose tray.
The function of PRINTER COMMANDS GROUP is:
l Printer Commands - whether the printer recognizes both PCL and
GL/2, or GL/2 only.
The REP is an acronym for Resolution Enhancement Procedure. This
function is:
l REP - whether the resolution enhancement is active or not.
The PAGE MODE GROUP function includes:
l Page Mode - partial or full
The INP,UT BUFFER GROUP function includes:
l Input Buffer - memory capacity of the input buffer
The function of the INTERFACE GROUP is:
l Interface - parallel or serial
3.3 PROGRAMMING FROM THE CONTROL PANEL As the status report indicates, the various functions that you can select from
the control panel are arranged in an outline form, or a hierarchy. This means
there are main groups and several levels within each one.