Certain problems with communication with the host computer may be
detected. Messages listed below provide information, but do not halt the
printing process. The printer uses a default value if necessary. You may
remove the message by pressing [ERROR SKIP]. Note that if there are
multiple errors, the last one detected is displayed.
8.4.1 Hos‘t Communication problem Message 1 Meaning ActionlStatus
LINE ERROR parity error in host data follow procedure above
INPUT OVERFLOW input buffer overflow follow procedure above
BAD FONT DATA downloaded font bad downloaded font ignored
BAD FONT CODE downloaded font in error downloaded font ignored
BAD CHAR CODE loaded character outside downloaded font ignored
of index
8.4.2 Function or Size Incompatibility There are problems that occur when the host computer requests a function not
provided or a function that requires more memory than is available.
Meaning Status
page buffer memory partial page currently
overflow composed is printed and
ejected; remaining data
for page is printed on next
CANNOT ROTATE insufficient memory to font rotation aborted;
rotate font printing continues using
closest available font
CANNOT DOWNLOAD insufficient memory to font download is aborted;
download font printing continues using
closest available font
CHAR NOT IN FONT received character not in blank space is printed for
currently selected font that character