IFBD-HW03/04 Product Specifications Rev. 0.00
Continuation 2 of Support MIB
Name Explanation
ipRouteDest The IP address of the destination of this route ( = default route)
ipRouteIfIndex Interface identification number (=ifIndex) for sending to the next addressee host
after this route
IpRouteMetric Primary routing metric (-1 = not used) of this route
ipRouteNextHop IP address of the next HOP of this route
IpRouteType Type of route (1: None of the ones below; 2: Illegal route; 3: Direct connection; 4:
Indirect connection)
IpRouteProto Routing type learned from this route
IpRouteAge Amount of time passed after recognition as a final normal route by this route
IpRouteMask Value for logic AND prior to comparing addressee address and ipRouteDest
ipRouteInfo Definition number on MIB for routing protocol used on this route
ipNetToMediaIfIndex Interface identification number (=ifIndex) of this entry
ipNetToMediaPhysAddress Physical address dependent on the media
ipNetToMediaNetAddress IP address that corresponds to the physical address of this entry
ipNetToMediaType Address conversion method (1: Other than below; 2: Ignored value; 3: Dynamically
converted; 4: Statically converted)
icmpInMsgs Total number of ICMP receptions
icmpInErrors Number discarded of those ICMP received because of ICMP specifications errors
such as a check sum error
icmpInDestUnreachs Number received of undeliverable messages of ICMP addressee
icmpInTimeExcds Number received of ICMP time exceeded messages
icmpInParmProbs Number received of ICMP parameter illegal messages
icmpInSrcQuenchs Number received of ICMP source quenches
icmpInRedirects Number received of ICMP redirects
icmpInEchos Number received of ICMP echo request messages
icmpInEchoReps Number received of ICMP echo reply messages
icmpInTimestamps Number received of ICMP time stamp request messages
icmpInTimestampReps Number received of ICMP time stamp reply messages
icmpInAddrMasks Number received of ICMP address mask request messages
icmpInAddrMaskReps Number received of ICMP address mask reply messages
icmpOutMsgs Total number of ICMP messages sent
icmpOutErrors Number discarded without being sent because the buffer was full when sending
icmpOutDestUnreachs Number sent of undeliverable messages of ICMP addressee
icmpOutTimeExcds Number sent of ICMP time exceeded messages
icmpOutParmProbs Number sent of ICMP parameter illegal messages
icmpOutSrcQuenchs Number sent of ICMP source quenches
icmpOutRedirects Number sent of ICMP redirect
icmpOutEchos Number sent of ICMP echo request messages
icmpOutEchoReps Number sent of ICMP echo reply messages
icmpOutTimestamps Number sent of ICMP time stamp request messages
icmpOutTimestampReps Number sent of ICMP time stamp reply messages
icmpOutAddrMasks Number sent of ICMP address mask request messages
icmpOutAddrMaskReps Number sent of ICMP address mask reply messages
Continued on next page