IFBD-HW03/04 Product Specifications Rev. 0.00
Continuation 5 of Support MIB
Name Explanation
hrDeviceIndex Fixed value applied to connected devices
hrDeviceType Type of device connected
hrDeviceDescr Information character string of device connected
hrDeviceID Product ID of device connected
hrDeviceStatus Status of device connected
(1: Unknown; 2: Running; 3: Warning; 4: Testing; 5: Down)
hrDeviceErrors Number of errors on device connected
hrPrinterStatus Status of connected printers
(1: Idle; 2: Printing; 3: Warmup)
hrPrinterDetectedErrorState Status of errors on connected printers
(0: Low Paper; 1: No Paper; 2: Low Toner; 3: No Toner; 4: Door Open; 5: Jammed;
6: Offline; 7: Service Requested)
jciTrapCommunity TRAP community name when NIC issues TRAP
jciTrapHost TRAP sending destination IP address
jciAuthenticCommunity SNMP authentication community name
jciDefaultTimeToLive TTL default value of header of IP data gram
jciPSPortNumber Printer port number
jciPSPortIndex Fixed value applied to printer port
jciPSPortDescr Printer port number
jciPSPortType Printer port type
(1: Other; 2: CENTRONICS; 3: SERIAL; 4: BICENTRO; 5: NULL; 6: P1284; 7:
GPIB; 8: SCSI; 9: P1394; 10: USB)
jciPSPortInOctets Total reception data volume from printer
jciPSPortOutOctets Total sending data volume to printer
jciPSPortCurrentJobs Number of print jobs held by NIC
jciPSPortCurrentInOctets Volume of data received from printer when sending current or prior print job
jciPSPortCurrentOutOctets Volume of data sent to printer when sending current or prior print job
jciPSPortCurrentStatus Printer port status
(1: Can print soon; 2: Will be printed later; 3: Can't print currently)
jciPSPortCurrentStatusBinary Printer port bit status
(bit 0: In Use; bit 1: Busy; bit 2: Not Ready; bit 3: Paper Empty; bit 4: Not Selected;
bit 5: Fault)
jciPSPortCurrentStatusDescr Printer port status character string
jciPSEnablePortTrap TRAP issuing control (1: Enable; 2: Disable) when printer port status changes
jciPSPortTrapInterval Printer port monitoring intervals for issuing TRAP
jciPSPConfigTcpEnable TCP protocol control (0: Enable; 1: Disable)
jciPSPConfigTCP/IPIpAddress IP address
jciPSPConfigTCP/IPSubnetMask Subnet mask
jciPSPConfigTCP/IPGatewayAddress Gateway IP address
jciPSPConfigTCP/IPRarpEnable RARP protocol control (0: Enable; 1: Disable)
jciPSPConfigTCP/IPBootpEnable BOOTP protocol control (0: Enable; 1: Disable)
jciPSPConfigTcpDnsAddressPri DNS server (primary) IP address
jciPSPConfigTcpDnsAddressSec DNS server (secondary) IP address
jciPSPConfigTcpRootPasswd Controller password
jciPSPConfigTcpBannerEnable Burner output control (0: Enable; 1: Disable)
jciPSPortConfigsNumber Printer port number when starting up
jciPSPortConfigIndex Fixed value applied to printer port
jciPSPortConfigDescr Printer port number
jciPSPortConfigBojRaw Character string sent to printer before output of direct output port (Ip port)
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