Condensed printing
Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal
<Sl> 15 OF
Both <ESC> <SIB 27 15 1B OF
In Standard mode, changes from pica to condensed pica (17 cpi) or from
elite to condensed elite (20 cpi). In IBM mode, changes from pica to
condensed (17 cpi). Ignored if the printer was set to stay in panel pitch
at power-up.
Cancel condensed printing
Mode 1 ASCII Decimal
Both 1 <DC2> 1 18
I 12 I
In Standard mode, changes from condensed pica to normal pica or from
condensed elite to normal elite. In IBM mode, always changes to normal
pica. Ignored if the printer was set to stay in panel pitch at power-up.
Expanded printing
Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal
<ESC> “W” “I” 27 87 49 1B 57 31
Both <ESC> “w” <I> 27 87 1 1B 57 01
Causes subsequent characters to be expanded to double width.
Cancel expanded printing
IModel ASCII 1 Decimal I Hexadecimal I
<ESC> “W” “0” 27 87 48 IB 57 30
Both <ESC> “W” co> 27 87 0 1B 57 00
Stops expanded printing and returns to normal width.
Expanded printing for one line
Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal
<so> 14 OE
Both <ESC> <so> 27 14 1B OE
Causes subsequent characters in the current line to be expanded to double
width. Characters return to normal width after the next line feed ( < LF > ).
The < DC4 >, < VT >, < FF > , and < ESC > “W” 0 commands also
cancel expanded printing.