Appendix B


This appendix describes the printer’s control commands. The commands are
arranged by function. The name of each command is followed by a table like the
one below:
Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal
<ESC> “X” 1 27 120 49 1B 78 31
Both < ESC > “x” Cl> 27 120 1 IB 78 01
Mode: Indicates the mode in which the command is recognized.
Std. Standard mode (DIP switch l-6 on)
IBM IBM mode (DIP switch 1-6 off)
Both Both Standard and IBM modes
ASCII: Indicates the ASCII coding of the command. Control
characters are enclosed in pointed brackets: For example,
< 1 > means character code 1.
Decimal: Gives the command in decimal character codes.
Hexadecimal: Gives the command in hexadecimal character codes.
Parameters for which values must be supplied are indicated by italic letters
such as n.
Many commands have alternative forms. Some commands use <ESC>
(character code 27) in Standard mode and < FS > (character code 28) in IBM
mode. Other commands have parameters that can be specified as either character
codes or digit characters, like the parameter 1 in the sample command above.


Select draft quality characters

Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal
<ESC> “Xl’ “0” 27 120 48 1B 78 30
Both <ESC> “X” co> 27 120 0 1B 78 00
Changes from letter quality to draft quality. Ignored if the printer was
set to stay in panel style at power-on.