You may wonder why they picked l/72 of an inch as the in-
crement for the line spacing command. There’s a good reason:
the dots that the printer makes are l/72 inch apart. So this means
that you can vary the line spacing in increments as tine as one
dot-unless you want finer spacing, like one half dot spacing
(STAR mode) or one third dot spacing (IBM mode).
The < ESC > “3” CHR$( it command sets the line spacing in
increments of l/144 inch (STARmode) or l/216 inch (IMB mode).
Change line 30 in your program so it is like this:
30 LPRINT CHR$ (27) “3” CHR$(I) ;
and run the program again. Now the results will look like this:
(STAR mode)
line spacing is set to 20
line spacing is set to ‘211
line spacing is set tc! 22
line spacing is set to 2;5
line spacing is set to 24
line spacing is set to 25
E.pacing is set to l/6 inch !nomal ) .
(IBM mode)
This line
This line s’pac 5
Line spaci spaq 1
ng ic
i get to l/6 inch (nomal).