Diese Sicherheitshinweise sind an Sie, den Besitzer des STAR TRAC E- UB / RB gerichtet. Bitte weisen Sie Ihre Mitglieder und Mitarbeiter an, sich an die folgenden Sicherheitsvorschriften zu halten.

Sie Sollten

￿Ihren Mitgliedern nahelegen, ihr Gesundheitspro- gramm oder Fitneß-Trainning mit einem Arzt zu besprechen.

￿Die Benutzung des E- UB / RB beenden, wenn Benommenheit oder Schwindel aufritt.

￿Das Gerät regelmäßig warten.

￿Langsam trainieren, bis Sie sicher mit dem E- UB / RB umgehen können.

￿Dieses E- UB / RB nur für den vorgesehenen Zweck gemäß der Beschreibung in diesem Handbuch verwenden.

Sie Sollten Niemals

￿Kinder das E- UB / RB unbeaufsichtigt benutzen lassen.

￿Die Benutzung des E- UB / RB ohne die passenden Sportschuhe zulassen.

￿Das Gerät bei Regenwetter im Freien oder in einem Hallen-bzw, überdachten Schwimmbad verwenden.

￿Gegensände in eine Öffnung des E- UB / RB stecken oder darunter fallen lassen oder Hände bzw. Füße unter das E- UB / RB halten.

￿Abdeckungen abnehmen oder das E- UB / RB ändern.


Das STAR TRAC E- UB / RB ist für das Aerobik-Training in einem kommerziellen oder Verbraucherumfeld vorgesehen.

Bitte konsultieren Sie Ihren Arzt, bevor Sie mit einem Trainingsprogramm beginnen.

Überanstrengen Sie sich nicht. Hören Sie auf, wenn Schwindel, Benommenheit oder Erschöpfung eintreten. Gehen Sie beim Training vernünftig vor. Lesen Sie bitte das Benutzerhandbuch vor Verwendung des E- UB / RB vollständig durch.



Queste indicazioni sono indirizzate ai proprietari dello STAR TRAC E- UB / RB. Chiedete a tutti I membri della vostra palestra e al vostro staff di seguire queste istruzioni di sicurezza.

Da Fare

￿Incoraggiate i membri della vostra palestra a discutere il loro programma o regime di allenamento con uno specialista medico.

￿Fermate lo E- UB / RB se avete dei capogiri o vi sentite svenire.

￿Eseguite la manutenzione regolarmente.

￿Esercitatevi lentamente fino a quando raggiungete un livello confortevole e sicuro.

￿Usate questo E- UB / RB solo per l'uso inteso, come descritto in questo manuale.

Da Non Fare

￿Non permettete a bambini di usare lo E- UB / RB senza sorveglianza.

￿Non usate lo E- UB / RB se non calzate scarpe da ginnastica.

￿Non usatelo all'aperto quendo piove o vicino ad una piscina coperta.

￿Non lasciate cadere oggetti e non inserite mani o piedi nelle aperature o al di sotto di questo E- UB / RB.

￿Non remuovete nessun coperchio o modificate questo E- UB / RB.


Lo STAR TRAC E- UB / RB è stato progettato per l'esercizio aerobico in un ambiente commerciale o domestico.

Consultatevi con il volsro medico di famiglia prima di intraprendere un programma di esercizi.

Siate coscienti dei vostri limiti. Fermatevi se avete dei capogiri, vi sentite svenire o siete esausti. Usate il vostro buon senso quando usate lo cyclette. Leggete tutto il manuale delle istruzioni prima di usare lo E- UB / RB.




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Star Trac E- RB 8110, E- UB 8100 manual Wichtige Sicherheitsvorschriften, Warnung, Attenzione, Mantenga Queste Istruzioni

E- UB 8100, E- RB 8110 specifications

Star Trac has long been a leader in the fitness equipment industry, and its E-RB 8110 and E-UB 8100 models reflect the brand's commitment to innovation, comfort, and performance. These models are designed for users of all fitness levels, providing an engaging workout experience through a blend of advanced technology and user-centric design.

The Star Trac E-RB 8110 is a recumbent bike that emphasizes ergonomic design, promoting effective workouts while prioritizing user comfort. Its low step-through frame facilitates easy access for all users, accommodating a broad range of mobility levels. The bike features a large, adjustable seat with a ventilated backrest to ensure optimal support during extended workout sessions. The console is equipped with a vibrant LCD display that offers real-time feedback on key metrics such as time, distance, calories burned, and heart rate, keeping users informed and motivated.

Meanwhile, the E-UB 8100 upright bike maintains the balance of comfort and performance while promoting an active riding position. This model features an adjustable seat with a cushioned design, allowing users to find their optimal riding position effortlessly. The E-UB 8100 also boasts a user-friendly console with an intuitive interface, offering multiple programs to keep workouts engaging and challenging. Users can easily track their progress thanks to features like integrated heart rate monitoring and customizable workout routines.

Both models utilize advanced resistance technology, ensuring smooth transitions between levels, thus accommodating users as they progress in their fitness journey. Magnetic resistance systems provide a quiet and smooth operation, making workouts enjoyable without the distraction of noisy equipment. The E-RB 8110 and E-UB 8100 are constructed with durable materials designed for rigorous use, ensuring longevity and reliability in a high-traffic gym environment.

Star Trac also prioritizes aesthetics, making these models visually appealing additions to any gym space. Their sleek designs and commercial-grade finishes are engineered to withstand the demands of everyday use while maintaining a modern look that aligns with contemporary fitness trends.

Overall, the Star Trac E-RB 8110 and E-UB 8100 are outstanding choices for fitness enthusiasts seeking reliability, comfort, and cutting-edge technology in their workout routines. These bikes not only enhance user experience but also reflect the brand's commitment to quality and innovation in the fitness industry.