
Checking Chain


143BA024 KN

The saw chain must always throw off a small amount of oil.

Never operate your saw without chain lubrication. If the chain runs

dry, the whole cutting attachment will be irretrievably damaged within a very short time. Always check chain lubrication and the oil level in the tank before starting work.

Every new chain has to be broken in for about 2 to 3 minutes.

After breaking in the chain, check chain tension and adjust if necessary – see "Checking Chain Tension".


Chain Brake

Locking chain with chain brake

161BA005 KN

in an emergency

when starting

at idling speed

The chain is stopped and locked when the hand guard is pushed toward the bar nose by the left hand – or when brake is activated by inertia in certain kickback situations.

Releasing the chain brake

161BA006 KN

NPull the hand guard back toward the front handle.

Always disengage chain brake before accelerating engine and

before starting cutting work. The only exception to this rule is when you check operation of the chain brake.

High revs with the chain brake engaged (chain locked) will quickly damage the powerhead and chain drive (clutch, chain brake).

The chain brake is designed to be activated also by the inertia of the front hand guard

if the forces are sufficiently high. The hand guard is accelerated toward the bar nose - even if your left hand is not behind the hand guard, e.g. during a

MS 201, MS 201 C