Product is too soft.
1. No vent space for free flow of cooling
2. Air temperature ent eri ng c ondenser is
above 100°F.
3. Condenser is dirty .
4. Consistenc y setting t oo s oft.
5. Stabiliz ers in mix are broken down.
6. Auger is ass embled incorrectly .
7. Refrigeration problem.
1. A minimum of 6" of vent spac e required (E112 -
3"). (See S ection 2)
2. Change location or direc t hot air away from
3. Clean. (See Sec t i on 3)
4. Turn Consistency A djustment knob c lockwise.
5. Remove mix, clean, s anitize and freeze down
with fresh mix.
6. Remove mix, clean, reassemble, sanitize and
freeze down.
7. Check system. (Call distributor for service)
Product does not
di spe nse.
1. No mix in hopper.
2. Mix inlet regulator tube is
3. Drive motor overload tripped.
4. Drive belt failure.
5. Freeze-up (Auger will not turn).
1. Fill hopper with mi x .
2. Unplug, using s m al l s ani t ized brush.
3. Wait for autom at i c reset. (If condition
continues, c al l di s tributor for service.)
4. Replace drive belt.
5. Turn CLEAN-OFF-ON switch to OFF (middle)
position for 15 minutes , then restart.
Drive belt slipping
or squealing.
1. Worn drive belt.
2. Freeze-up (Auger will not turn).
3. Not tensioned properly
1. Replace drive belt.
2. Turn CLEAN-OFF-ON switch to OFF (middle)
position for 15 minutes , then restart.
3. Adjust belt tension
Low overrun.
1. Auger is ass embled incorrectly .
2. Mix inlet regulator missing.
3. Mix inlet regulator o-ring missing.
4. Mix inlet regulator air tube blocked.
5. Product break down.
1. Remove mix, clean, s anitize, and freeze down
with fresh mix.
2. Replace mix inl et regulator.
3. Replace mix inl et regulator o-ring.
4. Clean with saniti z ed brus h.
5. Fill freezer with fresh produc t .
Rear auger seal
1. Outside s urface of rear auger seal i s
2. Rear seal miss ing or damaged.
3. Seal o-ring mis s i ng, damaged or
installed incorrectly.
4. Worn or scrat c hed auger shaft.
1. Clean lubricant from outs ide of rear seal,
lubricate insi de of s eal and reins t all.
2. Check or replace.
3. Check. or replac e.
4. Replace auger shaft.
Front door leaks.
1. Front door knobs are loos e.
2. Spigot parts are not lubri c ated.
3. Chipped or worn spigot o-rings.
4. O-rings or spigot i ns t alled wrong.
5. Inner spigot hole in front door nic k ed or
1. Tighten knobs.
2. See Sect i on 3.
3. Replace o-rings.
4. Remove spigot and check o-ring.
5. Replace front door.