The E112 and F112 freezers can easily be configured to
use an Autofill System. The Autofill System provides a
constant supply of non-dairy mix to the freezer.
An autofill kit is needed to use an Autofill System. The kit
includes a solenoid, tubing, and a new hopper cover (the
F112 also includes a transformer). See below for the
Autofill Kit part numbers.
There are two Autofill Systems available: the Fill-O-Matic
II and the Fill-O-Matic III. See below for details on the
Autofill Systems.
Fill-O-Matic II
The Fill-O-Matic II is powered through an electrical outlet
and pumps up to 60 gallons per hour.
Fill-O-Matic III
The Fill-O-Matic III is powered by gas and pumps up to 45
gallons per hour.
Fill-O-Ma tic IIPart Numbers Autofill Syst em : 4177349
E112 A utofill Kit: 2 183807
F112 Autofill Kit: 2187101
Usage For us e w it h non - pot e ntially haz ar d ous food su bst a nces; non-dairy
Dimensions L 11-1/2" x W 11-1/2 " x H 32-1/2"
Electrical 115VAC 60Hz
55A power cord provided
Mix Storage 15 gallon plastic t ank
Clean Pr oc es s Removable str ain er allows for easy cl eaning
Output Pumps up to 60 gallons per h our
Fill-O-Ma tic IIIPart Numbers Autofill Syst em : 4177370
E112 A utofill Kit: 2 183807
F112 Autofill Kit: 2187101
Usage For us e w it h non - pot e ntially haz ar d ous food su bst a nces; non-dairy
Dimensions L 11-1/2" x W 11-1/2 " x H 27-1/2"
Electrical No electrical connections required
Powered by CO2, Nitrogen or compressed air
Mix Storage 15 gallon plastic t ank
Clean Pr oc es s Clean- in - pl ace by pumping solution thr ough hoses
Output Pumps up to 45 gallons per h our
Fill-O-Matic II & Fill-O-Matic III