



(DE100i-SWC only)

1.Attach the I/O cable from the rear distribution board of the DE100i-SWC carrier to the disk drive (Figure 6B).

2.Carefully insert the drive into the carrier at an angle, cable-end first. Make sure not to pinch the cable. Lower the front of the drive carefully into place. Fasten the drive into the carrier with four (4) #6-32 Phillips Flat Hd. screws provided.

5.Attach the provided cable cover with two (2) #6-32 Phillips Flat Hd. screws.


Cover (Provided)

Disk Drive

(Not Included)

I/O Cable


Drive Carrier


Drive Mounting


Hardware (4ea)

Cable Cover

Phillips # 6-32 x

Screws (2 plcs)

3/16 Flat HD

# 6-32 x 3/16


Flat HD



Figure 6B: Drive Installation Assembly


StorCase Technology, Inc.

DE100i-SW/SWC User's Guide - Rev. G01