Contents v
Displaying Fabric Information 38
Link and Stack Link Data Windows 39
Devices Data Window 40
Displaying Fabric Status 41
Displaying the Event Browser 42
Filtering the Event Browser 44
Sorting the Event Browser 45
Saving the Event Browser to a File 46
Verifying Fibre Channel Connections 46
FC Ping Dialog 46
FC TraceRoute Dialog 47
Working with Device Information and Nicknames 49
Displaying Detailed Device Information 49
Exporting Device Information to a File 50
Managing Nicknames for Fabric Devices 50
Creating a Nickname 50
Editing a Nickname 51
Deleting a Nickname 51
Exporting Nicknames to a File 51
Importing a Nicknames File 52
Enabling Fabric Services 52
Enabling SNMP Configuration 53
Enabling In-band Management 53
3. Managing Fabric Zoning 55
Zoning Concepts 55
Zones 55
Aliases 56
Zone Sets 56