20 Enterprise Fabric Suite 2007 User Guide • September 2008
Menu Shortcut Keys

Shortcut key combinations, available in both the topology and faceplate displays,

provide an alternative method of accessing menu options in the application. For

example, to exit the application, press Alt+F, then press X. The shortcut key

combinations are not case-sensitive.

Port Port Properties
Advanced Port Properties
Reset Port
Port Binding
Port Diagnostics (requires SANdoctor license key)
Move Port
Zoning Edit Zoning
Resolve Zoning (Capture Active Zoning, Restore Configured Zoning,
Capture Merged Zoning, View Merged/Configured Differences)
Edit Zoning Config
Activate Zone Set
Deactivate Zone Set
Restore Default Zoning
Security Edit Security
Edit Security Config
Activate Security Set
Deactivate Security Set
View Refresh
View Por t Types
View Por t State s
View Por t Speed s
View Por t Media
View Fac eplate
View Bac kplate
Wizards Configuration Wizard
Extended Credit Wizard
Zoning Wizard
Help Help Topics
License Info
TABLE1-3 Faceplate Menu Options (Continued)
Menu Options