148 Enterprise Fabric Suite 2007 User Guide • September 2008
Protocol Protocol or application to which to apply IP security.
Enter a keyword for one of the following protocols or an
integer (0-255):
• Internet Control Message Protocol for IP version 4
• Internet Control Message Protocol for IP version 6
• Internet Protocol, version 4 (IPv4)
• Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)
• User Datagram Protocol (UDP)
• Any protocol
• 0–255
IcmpV6Type ICMP number (0–255) if the protocol is ICMPv6.
Direction Direction of the data traffic to which to apply the policy:
In — data entering the destination
Out — data leaving the source
Priority Controls the relative ordering of this policy within the
Action Processing to apply to data traffic:
• Discard — unconditionally disallow all inbound or
outbound data traffic.
• None — allow all inbound or outbound data traffic
without encryption or decryption.
• Ipsec — apply IP security to inbound and outbound
data traffic.
Protection Desired Type of IP security protection to apply:
• AH — Authentication Header
• ESP — Encapsulating Security Payload
• Both — Apply both AH and ESP protection
ahRuleLevel Rule level to apply for AH protection:
• Default
• Use — use IPsec if corresponding SAD entry found,
don't use IPsec if corresponding SAD entry not found.
• Require — use IPsec if corresponding SAD entry
found, don't communicate at all if corresponding SAD
entry not found.
espRuleLevel Rule level to apply for ESP protection:
• Default
• Require
TABLE5-10 Create IP Security Policy Dialog Fields
Field Description