xSun FastEthernet PCI Adapter Installation and User’s Guide July 1997
UNIX Commands
This document may not include specific softwarecommands or procedures. Instead,
it may name software tasks and referyou to operating system documentation or the
handbook that was shipped with your new hardware.
The type of information that you might need to use references for includes:
Shutting down the system
Booting the system
Configuring devices
Other basic software procedures
See one or more of the following:
Solaris 2.x Handbook for SMCC Peripherals contains Solaris™ 2.x software
Online AnswerBook™ for the complete set of documentation supporting
the Solaris 2.xsoftware environment.
Other software documentation that you received with your system.
Typographic Conventions
The following table describes the typographic changes used in this book.
Symbol Meaning Example
AaBbCc123 The names of commands, files,
and directories;on-screen
computer output
Edit your.login file.
Use ls -a to list all files.
You have mail.
AaBbCc123 Whatyou type, contrasted with
on-screencomputer output machine_name% su
AaBbCc123 Command-line placeholder:
replacewith a real name or
Todelete a file, type rm filename.
AaBbCc123 Booktitles, new words or terms,
or wordsto be emphasized Read Chapter 6 in the User’s Guide.
These are called class options.
You must be root to do this.