Known Issues and Limitations
Platform server list and FQDN alias attribute are not updated (6309259, 6308649)
In a multiple server deployment, the platform server list and FQDN alias attribute are not updated if you install Access Manager on the second (and subsequent) servers.
Workaround: Add the Realm/DNS aliases and platform server list entries manually. For the steps, see the section “Adding Additional Instances to the Platform Server List and Realm/DNS Aliases” in Sun Java System Access Manager 7.1 Postinstallation Guide.
Data validation for required attributes in the services (6308653)
Access Manager 7.1 enforces required attributes in service XML files to have default values.
Workaround: If you have services with required attributes that do not have values, add values for the attributes and then reload the service.
Document workaround for deployment on a secure WebLogic 8.1 instance (6295863)
If you deploy Access Manager 7.1 into a secure (SSL enabled) BEA WebLogic 8.1 SP4 instance, an exception occurs during the deployment of each Access Manager web application.
Workaround: Follow these steps:
1.Apply the WebLogic 8.1 SP4 patch JAR CR210310_81sp4.jar, which is available from BEA.
2.In the /opt/SUNWam/bin/amwl81config script, (Solaris systems) or /opt/sun/identity/bin/amwl81config script (Linux systems), update the doDeploy function and the undeploy_it function to prepend the path of the patch JAR to the wl8_classpath, which is the variable that contains the classpath used to deploy and
Find the following line containing the wl8_classpath:
wl8_classpath= ...
3.Immediately after the line you found in Step 2, add the following line:
The amconfig script does not update the realm/DNS aliases and platform server list entries (6284161)
In a multiple server deployment, the amconfig script does not update the realm/DNS aliases and platform server list entries for additional Access Manager instances.
Workaround: Add the Realm/DNS aliases and platform server list entries manually. For the steps, see the section “Adding Additional Instances to the Platform Server List and Realm/DNS Aliases” in Sun Java System Access Manager 7.1 Postinstallation Guide.
20 | Sun Java System Access Manager 7.1 Release Notes • March 2007 |