Theamcong script fails when SSL certicate is expired. (6488777)

Ifthe Access Manager container is running in SSL mode, and the container SSL certicate is
expired,amconfig fails and may cause classpath corruption.
Workaround:If you have already run amconfig with an expired certicate, and the classpath is
corrupted,rst obtain a valid SSL certicate. Revert to the original domain.xml le, or a copy of
thedomain.xml le, in which the classpath is not corrupted. Then rerun the amconfig
/opt/SUNWam/bin/amconfig -s $PWD/amsamplesilent
Samples Issue
“Clientsdksamples directory contains unwanted makele (6490071)” on page 29

Clientsdksamples directory contains unwanted makele (6490071)

Sampleles are included in the Client SDK. These demonstrate how to write stand-alone
programsand how to write web applications. The samples are located under the directory
whereyou generated the Makefile.clientsdk, and in the following subdirectories:
Clientsdk-samplesincludes samples for authentication, logging, policy and SAML stand-alone
programs.Clientsdk-webapps includes samples for user management, service management,
andpolicy programs. Each sample has a Readme.html le with instructions on compiling and
runningthe sample program.
Inorder to compile the samples, the makele should be run in the corresponding sub-directory.
TheTop-level makele does not compile the samples in the sub-directories.
Linux OS Issues
“JVMproblems occur when running Access Manager on Application Server (6223676)”
onpage 30
KnownIssues and Limitations
SunJavaSystem Access Manager 7.1 Release Notes 29