Chapter 5: Advanced Serverboard Setup
Universal Serial Bus Headers
Universal Serial Bus Headers
Pin Definitions (USB2, USB3, USB4)
Three additional USB headers (USB2/ USB3 and USB4) are included on the serverboard. These may be used for front side access. A USB cable (not included) is needed for the connec- tion. See the table on the right for pin defi nitions.
Pin # Defi nition
5 Key
USB3, USB4 Pin # Defi nition
5 NC
Serial Ports
The COM1 serial port is located on the IO backplane. COM2 is a header on the serverboard (see serverboard layout for location). See the table on the right for pin defi nitions.
Fan Headers
The X7DBU has fi ve eight headers, designated Fan1 through Fan8. FAN5 through FAN8 are for
Serial Port Pin Definitions
(COM1, COM2)
Pin # | Defi nition | Pin # | Defi nition |
1 | DCD | 6 | DSR |
2 | RXD |
| RTS |
7 | |||
3 | TXD |
| CTS |
8 | |||
4 | DTR |
| RI |
9 | |||
5 | Ground |
| NC |
10 | |||
Note: Pin 10 is included on the header but not on the port. NC indicates no connection.
4-pin Fan Header
Pin Definitions
Pin# Defi nition
1Ground (Black)
2 +12V (Red)
4 PWM Control
3-pin Fan Header
Pin Definitions
Pin# Defi nition
1Ground (Black)
2 +12V (Red)
3 Tachometer