Chapter 2: Installation
ATX PS/2 Keyboard/Mouse
Ports (Not available on the -L
The ATX PS/2 keyboard and
PS/2 mouse are located above
Back Panel USB Ports 0/1 on the
motherboard. See the table on
the right for pin denitions.
PS/2 Keyboard/Mouse Pin
PS2 Keyboard PS2 Mouse
Pin# Denition Pin# Denition
1KB Data 1 Mouse Data
2No Connection 2No Connection
3 Ground 3 Ground
4Mouse/KB VCC
4Mouse/KB VCC
5KB Clock 5Mouse Clock
6No Connection 6No Connection
VCC: with 1.5A PTC (current limit)
Keyboard/Mouse (Not available on the -L model)
(For a PS/2 keyboard cable, a PS/2 Mouse cable or a PS/2 Y cable)
(For a USB keyboard cable or a USB mouse cable, in any USB port)
Notes: This motherboard offers three Keyboard/Mouse connection options
as shown in the graphic below.
•A. Plug in a PS/2 keyboard or PS/2 Mouse cable to the PS2 Keyboard/
Mouse port.
•B. Plug in a Y cable that that includes a keyboard cable and mouse cable
to the PS/2 Keyboard/Mouse port..
•C. Connect a USB keyboard cable or a USB mouse cable to any USB port.