X10SLQ/X10SLQ-L User’s Manual
Question: How do I update my BIOS?
Answer: We do NOT recommend that you upgrade your BIOS if you are not
experiencing any problems with your system. Updated BIOS les are located on
our website at http://www.supermicro.com/support/bios/. Please check our BIOS
warning message and the information on how to update your BIOS on our web
site. Select your motherboard model and download the BIOS ROM le to your
computer. Also, check the current BIOS revision to make sure that it is newer than
your BIOS before downloading. You may choose the zip le or the .exe le. If you
choose the zipped BIOS le, please unzip the BIOS le onto a bootable device or
a USB pen/thumb drive. To ash the BIOS, run the batch le named "ami.bat" with
the new BIOS ROM le from your bootable device or USB pen/thumb drive. Use
the following format:
F:\> ami.bat BIOS-RO M-lename.xxx <Enter>
Note: Always use the l e named “ami .bat” to up date the BIO S, and inser t
a space betwe en "ami.bat" and the  lename. The BIOS-ROM-le name
will bear the motherboard name (i.e., X10SLQ/X10SLQ- L) and build ver-
sion as the extension. For example, "X10SLQ.115". When completed, your
system will automatically reboot.
If you choose the .exe le, please run the .exe le under Windows to create
the BIOS ash oppy disk. Insert the oppy disk into the system you wish
to ash the BIOS. Then, boot the system to the oppy disk. The BIOS util-
ity will automatically ash the BIOS without any prompts. Please note that
this process may take a few minutes to complete. Do not be concerned if
the screen is paused for a few minutes.
When the BIOS ashing screen is completed, the system will reboot and
will show “Press F1 or F2”. At this point, you will need to load the BIOS
defaults. Press <F1> to go to the BIOS setup screen, and press <F9> to
load the default settings. Next, press <F10> to save and exit. The system
will then reboot.
Warning: Do not shut down or reset the system while updating the BIOS to prevent
possible system boot failure!
Important: The SPI BIOS chip installed on this motherboard is not re-
movable. To repair or replace a damaged BIOS chip, please send your
motherboard to RMA at Supermicro for service.
Question: I think my BIOS is corrupted. How can I recover my BIOS?
Answer: Please see Appendix C-BIOS Recovery for detailed instructions.
Question: What's on the CD that came with my motherboard?