now you can see
Record Mode
While you are recording you will see a screen similar to the following:
1.The block icon (□) beside each camera channel indicates that the camera channel is recording. Note :in this example that camera 1 and camera 3 is not recording.
2.The text on the bottom left corner of the screen indicates the method of recording (EACH/QUAD).
3.The letter in brackets indicates the recording mode (T=TIME RECORD / A=MOTION ACTIVATED RECORD / M = MIXED RECORD). For more information on these recording modes, please go to page 16 System Setup > Record Mode.
4.The channel labeled OFF in this example indicates that the user has disabled this camera channel.
5.The text on the top of each camera window indicates the name of the camera (This can be customized). In this example, the user has named the first camera “CAMERA1.”
6.When VIDEO LOSS is displayed on a camera channel, it means that there is no power to the camera or that the camera is disconnected from the DVR.
7.The bottom right of the screen displays the system date/time.
Playback Mode
NOTE: If you are recording, press
1. Press the
button to enter playback mode.
2. A screen will appear that displays a list of all your recorded footage, organized by date and time. Scroll to the
desired date and time using the ▲/1▼/3 buttons. Press the
button to start playback.
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