CHAPTER 10 Adding Optional Functionality to Adaptive Server
Configuration Guide 123
3 Use a text editor to edit the script, if necessary, to change the default device
from the master device to the device created in step 1. For information on
the default device, see “Default device for the sybsyntax database” on
page 122.
Comment out the following section, which specifies the default
/* create the database, if it does not exist */
if not exists (select name from sysdatabases
where name = "sybsyntax")
/* create the sybsyntax table if it doesn’t exist */
/* is the space left on the default database
devices > size of model? */
if (select sum (high-low +1) from sysdevices where status
& 1 = 1) - (select sum(size) from sysusages, sysdevices
where vstart >= sysdevices.low
and vstart <= sysdevices.high
and sysdevices.status &1 = 1) >
(select sum(sysusages.size) from sysusages
where dbid = 3)
create database sybsyntax
print "There is not enough room on the default
devices to create the sybsyntax database."
After you have commented out this entire section, add a line like this
to the script:
create database sybsyntax on device_name
where device_name is the name of the device where you want to
install sybsyntax.
4 Execute the script with a command like the following:
isql -Usa -Ppassword -Sservername <
where sa is the user ID of the System Administrator, password is the
System Administrator’s password, and servername is the Adaptive Server
where you plan to install the database.